
Online Expert Panel: "Closing the Imaging Follow-up Gap- Guidelines from the Frontlines"

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The imaging follow-up gap impacts tens of millions of people in the US each year. How should the healthcare industry address it?

View our special webinar featuring leading experts in the field of radiology, the emergency department, and a patient advocate, as they discuss the latest recommendations and best practices for managing the follow-up of actionable imaging findings. - Why is there an adherence gap and how significant is it? - What are the best practices for closing this adherence gap? - How are we currently leveraging technology to enhance follow-up adherence? - Q&A

Meet the panelists

Dr. Christopher L Moore

Dr. Christopher L Moore

Professor of Emergency Medicine and Chief, Section of Emergency Ultrasound at Yale University School of Medicine.

Dr. Stella K Kang

Dr. Stella K Kang

Associate Professor of Radiology and Population Health at NYU Langone Health

Andrea Borondy Kitts

Andrea Borondy Kitts

Lung Cancer Patient Advocate, Consultant at Rescue Lung Society

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